An independent monthly publication of news, views, events and information from and for the Parish of Purton.
Delivered free to subscribers by a team of volunteers and on sale in local outlets.

About us

Purton Magazine was first published in 1975 as a parish magazine based around the activities of the churches in the village.

The current Committee took over in November 2003 and widened the remit with the purpose of continuing to publish and distribute a monthly, not for profit, community magazine to engage, inform and reflect all aspects of Purton life and to stimulate interest, concern and involvement in Purton affairs.

The magazine is self-funding from annual subscription income, retail sales and advertising revenue.

Advertising space within the magazine is limited to an average of 35% of the overall content. Please see our advertising page for further details and contact the advertising manager for space availability and a copy of the current rate card.

The editorial policy will be guided by principles of general interest, propriety, decency and legal restrictions. Unacceptable content which applies equally to advertisements includes personal attack and political statements. Contributions to Purton Magazine are welcome for consideration before the copy date of the 10th of the preceding month. The contributor’s name and address must be supplied but maybe withheld from publication on request. Copyright must be agreed for publication in this magazine, especially those recognisable in photographs. Opinions expressed in the Magazine are solely those of the respective contributors and the Editors’ decisions are final.

The Purton Magazine Committee comprises Avril Ainscough, Barbara Compton, Neil Miles, Sheila Fowler, Sandra Horsnall, Richard McCarthy and Francis Sheppard.